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Cours sur le génotypage et l’épidémiologie moléculaire de bactéries pathogènes
The next (8th) International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM) will be held in Poland, in May 2008. A workshop dedicated to MLVA typing will be included ( MLVA – possibilities, usefulness and perspective). Abstract submission opens october 1st (deadline december 31st).
Grissa et al. have just published in a special "in silico biology" issue of the Biochimie journal a brief description of our current Web services for bacterial genotyping.
Registration to the MLVA2007 course to be held december 3rd to 5th is closed due to limited available space. If you think you might be interested in an MLVA2008 course (not decided yet), please leave a note. Next course if any might use the english language to enlarge the audience out of french speaking countries.
The University Paris-Sud (U-PSUD) has created a new domain name to host the MLVA WebService : mlva.u-psud.fr. We hope this will facilitate the identification and indexing of this ressource.The site is still under development, we wellcome Beta-testers, and apologize for the inconvenience.
Les inscriptions sont closes pour l’ atelier MLVA2009. Compte tenu de l’intérêt suscité par l’atelier, une nouvelle édition sera programmée à une date ultérieure, probablement en langue anglaise.