Accueil du site > Informations techniques > Génotypage MLVA de Pseudomonas aeruginosa > Candidate VNTR loci evaluated and not conserved by Vu Thien 2007

Candidate VNTR loci evaluated and not conserved by Vu Thien 2007

par Christine Pourcel - 7 août 2007

The report by Vu Thien et al., JCM 2007 presents an MLVA typing assay based upon 15 selected loci. Additional markers were evaluated in the course of this project or as part of the initial project by Onteniente et al., 2003. These markers were not conserved, often for lack of polymorphism, or for lack of “robustness” (associated for instance to a high frequency of negative PCR amplifications).

Vu Thien et al. 2007 evaluated markers called ms202 to ms206, ms210, ms218 to 221, and ms224. These markers are listed in the "published VNTR markers" page of the tandem repeats database in order to avoid duplication of work as much as possible. Also worth noting, Vu Thien 2007 does not keep markers ms10 and ms61. These two markers are microsatellites with 6 bp repeat units, with high mutation rate which restrict their interest to very specific investigations.